Electronics-Consultants The Principal consultant of G7 Systems is Michael Levine Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : G7 Systems was founded in 1996 and has grown from inception as an Information Warehousing services organization serving Fortune 500 clients in the United States, to the present organization whose goal is to create sustainable development in rural Kenya through ethical outsourcing. In 2006 we created our BPO[Business Process Outsourcing] company, G7 Systems Kenya Limited [G7K] in rural Kenya, to provide ICT services to our financial services clients in the United States. Since then, G7K has expanded its core offerings in computer programming to include Rural ICT Infrastructure implementation, hosted Project Management Software [SaaS], and ERP[Enterprise Resource Planning] implementation and support. In order to increase sustainable employment for youth that don't have the benefit of a university education, G7 created the New Ventures division in 2008. The objective is to leverage the talents of rural youth to create sustainable micro-entities rural Kenya.
G7's vision is for Kenya to become the ICT hub of Africa, and that these ICT hubs will be located in Rural University Science and Technological Parks all across Kenya, just as our G7 Kenya operation is located on a science park in a Rural Kenyan University [MMUST] today. G7K has proved that Rural Kenyans can compete on an international scale. 80% of Kenyans live in Rural Kenya, 70% of the Kenyan population are youth under the age of 30, and most of those are unemployed, living in Rural Kenya, not in the metropolises. Because of the natural clustering of the public and private sectors in the metropolises, we must make a deliberate and a concerted effort to deliver the benefits of this new technology to all Kenyans, not just those in Nairobi and Mombasa. If we are going to assist our youth to become productive members of society, we MUST utilize technology to reach these youth and empower them with meaningful employment. We Can Do This. We MUST Do This. The Youth Are Our Future.
Don't forget that the most detailed information about G7 Systems in Scarsdale you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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